We provide a range of rehabilitation services as a single service or as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program.
Worksite + Initial Assessment
The assessment includes an overview of the physical environment, physical and psychological work demands, human behaviour, working conditions and educational requirements. It assesses the workplace to determine the availability of suitable duties and provides all parties access to written comments on duties, hours of work and the timeframe of upgrades.
The completed worksite assessment may also include a RTW plan as a proposed document to gain agreement and certification for appropriate work duties. A report is provided that outlines all aspects of the assessment, appropriate suitable duties available and recommendations to facilitate return-to-work.
Case Conference
We discuss injury diagnosis, prognosis, treatment plan, RTW goals and facilitate progress with the treating doctor on a case. This ensures all parties are working towards a common and realistic goal – taking into consideration the insured’s injury and current medical status.
Functional Assessment
A Functional Capacity Evaluation is a systematic and objective method for assessing a person’s ability to perform specific job functions – gaining a measure of their overall safe maximum work capacity.
Tests include fitness, endurance, strength, postural tolerance, manual handling, repetitive movements and specific simulated work tasks.
Vocational Assessment
Identify a worker’s capacity for alternate work and potential return-to-work opportunities. The objective analysis into the worker’s educational and employment history, interests, transferable skills, current medical status and ability to seek alternate work is supported with robust, local labour market research.
The report details all aspects of the assessment and includes a list of vocations that are suitable, realistic and the most direct means to employment.
ADL Assessment
Assess the Insured’s ability to perform home tasks that prevent injury aggravation and promote early return to work.
Transferable Skills Assessment
Assess transferable skills, capacity and aptitude for alternate employment roles with the same or new employer. When a return to pre-injury duties is not possible, the assessment provides a detailed summary of capacity, psychometric testing results and skills analysis to identify employment positions as close as practicable to the pre-injury role and remuneration.
Same Employer Rehabilitation
We inform stakeholders of our involvement and set clear expectations upfront. Consultation with all parties is made from the onset of services and is ongoing.
Our same employer services are barrier and solution focused where we assess the barriers at the time of the initial and worksite assessments and develop strategies to address and support the RTW.
At the initial/ worksite assessment we involve the Insured and employer and identify suitable employment options for the Insured. The workplace demands are assessed and analysed in terms of physical, environmental, social and psychological demands.
We work towards a clear goal of a sustainable pre injury return to work. We liaise with the Nominated Treating Doctor and treating parties regularly to facilitate timely upgrades in line with function.
Learn more about Recovre’s Workplace Rehabilitation services, contact: